A new game mode for discussion


Well-Known Member
28 okt 2015
None of us was lucky and didn't experience a problem with cheaters during the gameplay especially to me at RSL Assendelft during the play (Drugs War) which is very good opportunity for cheaters due to the game rules. While we witness less cheating issues in different games such as (King of the Hill or batter known capture the flag) because both team are more coalescence than the first one.
The RSL staff at Assendelft are good and they do all their best to prevent such this behavior but at the same time they can't be ever where at anytime to catch this guy or that one..
With all of that (Drugs War) rules made for those gentlemen which they're honest and playing with out check behind them (so how to insure this behavior with ever one and with more than 90 players on filed?) this is just impossible..
Therefore constantly will face those cheaters and spoil our gameplay as they did in the last Sunday 1 of May - 2016..
Here i have a new game mode suggestion and i would like to forwarded this idea to RSL and see how its work..
The new game mode called (The Invader) which is war simulation and more fun and absolutely prevent anyone of cheating even if he want to.
So what is (The Invader) game mode and how it's work?
-The good thing the RSL Assendelft field is perfect for this game mode which it has all the qualifications to make it happen such as (bridges, bunkers, houses, and very large field).
-Please watch the picture below to batter understand the idea.
The game mode and rules:
- Two team facing each other in battle of land.
1. The invader team objective: to push forward as the following:
A. Occupy the defender team land and holed it.
B. Find and destroy defender team WMD (Weapons of mass destruction) which it suppose to be the (Cocaine Box)
C. Find and destroy defender team MCP (Military capabilities program) which it suppose to be the money boxes.
D. Capture or Kill the VIP person which it suppose to be in the final push as it show on the map to win the game.
2.The defender team objective as the following:
A. Defending their land and prevent the invader from take it over.
B. Protect the WMD from the invader team.
C. Protect MCP from the invader team.
D. Protect the VIP from invader team.
Game rules:
1.Each player get hit must go back to respawn area but under the following rules:
A. The invader team has chance to create respawn area close from them about 100 meters (called landing zone or LZ) but condition each 3 or 4 players respawn together, this means no player replaces another (to balance the gameplay).
B. The Defender team has chance to respawn one by one which is mean player replaces another but condition back to the area B or A late in the game.
C. The invader team must be bigger than defender team because the last one has good chance to find cover and camping.
D. When the battle reach area A both team has no chance to respawn anymore (because this is the finale battle) each player get hit must leave the game and enjoy watch it from respawn area, until one of fighting team reach his goal (foil the invasion by eliminate all the invader team or win the game by capture or Kill the VIP person).
Please if you have any idea or suggestion don't hesitate to write it down.
Love this game mode, Its a bit like normandy game(Day of defeat, map: strand)
Team A: Allies and team B: Axis

I forgot to add this points in my previous comment:
1.Both team have right to capture any troops in the game if they got the chance to do so, and hold him to 30 minute back in their respawn or exchange them with a friendly prisoner fell in captivity, This can be achieved through the Marshal.
The profit from this point will prevent the cheater from (Not to call hit) which is mean if the cheater decide not to call hit and the enemy team reach him, he will fell in captivity and prevent him to play for 30 minute so better to him to call hit.
2.The MDW box can be movable and defender team has the right to hide it and carry it on, but if the invader team find it they must destroy it by putting sign or stripe (destroyed) to move for the next objective. And just the same thing with MCP box.
I mentioned the MDW box as (Cocaine Box) because we use this name to that box at RSL for Drugs War game, therefore you can call any box you have it as MDW box.

And just the same thing with the money box for the invader game mode must be exchange to MCP box

3. The VIP must be must be chosen from the beginning (before starting the game) to be recognized by the invader team, But the VIP became a very important person only when the invaders reach area (A) which is late in the game, so he can play like any one earlier in the game until the last part of the game.
Thank you for your feedback guys, please don't hesitate to give any new idea or correct this mode.
Sounds like a nice game play. And I agree, that a close and fast respawn improves fairplay. And I think its a great thing you put some serious effort in to this. Tumbs up!

But I think it shouldnt even be nessesary to keep cheaters in mind when developing a game. If there are cheaters, they gonna cheat anyway. And if the marshall says this is the way we play this game. You shouldnt be changing it because of the cheates.

Imagine that the marshall is explaining a game mode and all of a sudden says "Well because of the cheaters here today we have a 2 man repawn-rule"
Nice gamemode! I've played a version of this with just the capturing of more of the field. No other side objectives where in play. That worked pretty nice. Same reason I absolutely LOVE project reality's conquest game-mode in comparison with Battlefield's. Its no cat and mouse play of flags but just a front line moving up.

I do agree with Eviltwin tho! Cheaters gonna cheat!

The side objectives make for a nice addition and something to worry about next to taking ground. The "mobile" spawns are nice as well. Although, leaving the spawn at HQ with the invaders, will make for a more "logistical" issue.

When a spawn is relatively close, people respawning can attack with a small group. If they fail, they're back in a few minutes.

When a spawn is further away, theres travel time included, so you dont want to die as fast because it takes longer to get back. This will make for cheaters gameplay tho.