Rebelattack;21342 zei:, we don't have korps mariniers? So 240 years of korps mariniers is redundant?
Not that way you miss understand me..
The Royal Netherlands Marine Corps is Navy Infantry Unit, Not independent Corps.
in military terms (divisions) such as armored divisions.
Netherlands had a three Marine Corps Unit Divisions back to the 80's but this number of unite reduced due to the economic crisis and spending cuts (i think in 2009-2010) so to day we have a Marine Corps Unit, part from the Royal Netherlands Navy which is under the command of Dutch Army. But not
Corps which is mean large military formation composed of two or more military divisions 45,000 to 80,000 person + 250 tanks +heavy artillery..etc
In other words when you say:
Marine Corps (this mean you refer to navy infantry unit)
But when you say:
Corps Marine (this mean you refer to large military formation two or more military divisions).
Therefore when i read his comment (korps mariniers) i thought he refer to the U.S Corps Marine and that's why @Strelok understand me directly..
Got it