Open airsoft shop any good?


Well-Known Member
28 okt 2015
Well guys i would like to discuss this idea openly with you, thinking with my self to start this project and open Airsoft shop in north Holland (since we don't have any shop here in the north) so what do you think its good idea or just risky will lead me to failure? if we assume it's not bad idea so what do you think: make it only to most required items such as BB's, Batteries, gas, internals stuff..etc or include replicas?
I note most people including me shopping from outside border, and the reason behind that because the prices here unjustifiably expensive..
So i would like to hear your ideas please..
Hi Samriey,

No shop in North Holland? You're not quite aware of Skirmshop for instance? They are located in Noord Holland and as soon as the Chapter Four airsoft location is open they will most likely base their physical shop in Hippolytushoef.

So, per shop, you would have atleast one opponent... is bezig met verhuizen van amsterdam naar zaandam..
Denk dat als je een winkel wil beginnen je echt iets te bieden moet hebben. Zeker met concurrentie.
De meeste velden verkopen de standaard dingen al. B&A verkoopt zelfs replica's.

Je rijdt naar het veld, koopt nog ff snel wat BB's en wat je dan nog meer nodig hebt en je gaat spelen.

Ik zou eerder een kleding/gear shop beginnen, wellicht eerst puur webbased. Zoek naar dingen die mensen veel zoeken. Er zijn vast nog wel gaten in de markt!

Replica's ga je niet competitief zijn in prijzen of je moet dingen zoals TM's gaan verkopen omdat de buitenlandes (Polen) online winkels deze vaak niet hebben, anders inderdaad zoals Strelok zei kijken naar kleding of vesten.
I really thank you for this valuable information that you have added to me, which I didn't know the most of it, however clearly there is a big competition in north Holland can not be underestimated therefor opening airsoft shop it will be just unpredictable adventure may lead me to failure..
Much appreciated your opinions guys!
Also you cant Just sell replica's.
You need the right papers to sell them. That is why most dutch shops only sell parts and gear.
I will not delete the topic. There might be some interesting information for others with the same ideas :wink:
For those entertaining themselves with the idea of selling replica's or servicing them for money:
You require 2 sets of papers which you get from 2 seperate courses, one is given online by the police and costs around 800 euro's, the other one is, by my knowledge given by the association for arms dealers. I dont know the costs but I heard it's very expensive.

Furthermore as said by others, you need to be able to offer something other shops don't but what still enough people will buy, but at the same time you should realize other shops will also start selling those things once they see you sell them well.