What is your Speedloader?


Well-Known Member
28 okt 2015
I'm buying some stuff here from airsoftshop.be and i remembered really i need good Speedloader with high capacity, so what do you sing guys?
I come close this one but not sure how reliable is..
NUPROL Speedloader XL 470rds
Looks pretty handy to me.
We've got allot of loaders,my wive and i, from small to that big.
Mij verry best is an ASG speedloader that holds 90 rounds.
I got an odin innovations m12 sidewinder speedloader.
Works like a charm.

For my pistols i use a small ~100 rds speedloader.
I have now a regular one and the odin m12 sidewinder ...but the Odin m12 sidewinder is waiting for me, only my adapter for ak mags is still not in house after sending it too me..
Odin innovations m12 sidewinder not available in airsoftshop.be it's out of the stock, is there are any shop here in the Netherlands offer free shipping to m12 sidewinder?
ive got 2 of those. Not black coloured but colourless.
I bought those at taiwangun i believe.
Works great!
Odin innovations m12 sidewinder!?
Net de promo filmjes bekeken en ben er weg van,Doeiiii..... :D
I use the Elite Force SL-14 Speedloader..
I can fill my M4 mid-cap (120 rds) in under 5 seconds.
I do not take it into the field but I fill my 9 mags with it pre-game and during the half-time break where needed.
I like it =D