
  1. Z


    Ahh gotcha, I unfortunately live quite far 😅 but I’ll try it out for sure
  2. Z


    Hi @Paashaas! Thank you! The Area077 is about 2 hour drive from where I live. Not an issue for me to drive so I will for make sure to stop by soon to try it out. Thank you for the suggestion! Are you based around there or?
  3. Z


    Hi @Kroeskoppie! Yeah he is more than helpful to be honest! I really appreciate that everyone is super welcoming for us "outsiders" 😅 I will definitely check those older posts that you attached and reach out to people if possible, but at the end of the day I am open to join anyone, language...
  4. Z


    Perfect. Is it okay if I private message you on here after my call with NABV tomorrow and then I can let you know what the plan is? And you can also let me know if my gear is okay-ish for an entry level. Funnily enough after your message here, Instagram recommended me your profile as “people...
  5. Z


    Hi! Thank you for the reply. It will still take me a bit as I have my call with NABV tomorrow to see how to go about the matter of getting the membership as I am a non Dutch citizen. I've heard different stories so I want to verify myself. On the other side until this membership is done, my...
  6. Z


    Hi there! My name is Zan, I am 26 years old and originally from Slovenia, but I moved to the Netherlands 3 years ago. I am not a stranger to airsoft, but I have never participated at the level that some people here do. I would love to start joining skirms, CQBs, and matches, and to train with...