How do store your replica


Well-Known Member
28 okt 2015
According to Sander and Stey comments make me think on how to store the replicas, since we live in small houses/apartments and there is no enough space to put what you have on the floor or somewhere in your home, with all of that the law of NABV available only in Dutch language which is difficult to us (the English speaker or any others Nationality) to specifically understood what's all about.
Jouw replica's horen op het adres waar je nabv geregistreerd is.
Dus officieel niet bij je maatje een paar huizen verderop.
Het ziet er heel vet uit, maar uit veiligheid van de Airsoftsport zou ik je willen wijzen op het Huishoudelijk Regelement - Artikel 21, lid 3a "Verplichtingen van de Leden". Ik hoop dat je hier iets mee kunt, en ik hoop nog meer dat je hier iets mee gaat doen om te zorgen dat de sport kan voortbestaan.
Sorry by mistake i print do instead of "to" so the correct title it should be ( how to store your replica?).
Laatst bewerkt:
I use an old locker to store mine.

According to the rules of the NABV they have to be stored in an locked room or closet/cabinet/locker to wich only you (the NABV member) have a key.
Mine are in a friends room and only he has the keys, he is also a member of the nabv. If this isn't allowed i have to find a spot in my appartment
I use an old locker to store mine.

According to the rules of the NABV they have to be stored in an locked room or closet/cabinet/locker to wich only you (the NABV member) have a key.
Sadiek can you post picture to the locker and have you made any modification to it?
If does can you make tutorial..etc
Thank you in advance.
I bought an old wooden russian mortar ammunition crate at a dutch army dump, bolted a lock on it and inserted some foam on the inside. This stores my replica's.
Mine are in a friends room and only he has the keys, he is also a member of the nabv. If this isn't allowed i have to find a spot in my appartment

Replica dient op het adres opgeslagen te worden waar pashouder geregistreerd staat.
Dit betekent dus dat je in je eigen appartement een plek moet gaan zoeken/maken om de replica op te slaan.
Sadiek can you post picture to the locker and have you made any modification to it?
If does can you make tutorial..etc
Thank you in advance.

I have something similar to this:

I got mine second hand thru It has a fixed lock mounted in the door. There are also versions which you can lock with a padlock.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: b.samriey
Sadiek how much did cost you and did you got it from company selling second hand stuff and deliver it to you?
Replica dient op het adres opgeslagen te worden waar pashouder geregistreerd staat.
Dit betekent dus dat je in je eigen appartement een plek moet gaan zoeken/maken om de replica op te slaan.

Kon hierover zo snel niets over vinden toen ik het regelement door las maar dan ga ik dat regelen. Better safe than sorry.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Stey
Mijne liggen in een kast in een kast met hangslot en onzichtbaar voor de buitenwereld.
I have them stored in a own build closet with shelves on the side. Its a bit difficult to explain. I'll make some pictures soon.
According to the statutes of the nabv you should store your gun on a stationairy place. Not a bag, transport box or any mobile.
Only for transport you are allowed to use a portable storing location.

See here in dutch;

statuten art 14 lid 3.a

3. leden die één of meerdere airsoftapparaten voorhanden hebben dienen:

a. het apparaat, indien niet in direct gebruik is, op te slaan in een deugelijk in beginsel stationaire opslag met sluitwerk
Ps i use a original weapon case to store my airsoft guns(originele engelse benaming) in
I store them in a locked rifle bag that is stored in a locked room that I only have the key for.

I will buy a simple ikea closed that I can lock so the misses can have a key for the room I store them in. T
What I just realised: when transporting the replica you have to store them. With RS I always have the mags in one case, the RS in another and the ammo in a third, and then all in a big locked transport case.

Is this the same with the airsoft replicas: do I have to store the mags in a sepperate bag, since I see people pulling out replicas with the mags in them, so they look ready for action.