How do store your replica

As i understand its not about wich matrial is used or if thieves can take it.

Rule said that you cant direclty use it to make a danger or avoid a danger at your house, corect me of im wrong.
If it's about safety issue then I am the only one in my home and wisely store the replicas and use it, so no need to the locker.
But if it's about the general security then i have to put one in my home.
I'm also floating in the sea here (don't know exactly why) but i bought one anyway..
I am sorry. I saw the picture, I recodnised the design, thought is was plastic like the one in my garden and wanted to warn about the nature of the plastic used for those storages. If you are a bit clusmy of rough with it pieces will brake and the use (a lockable storage) is gone. Or the complete door if you open it to far or something is stuck in between.

I know that the rules dont state anything about the material you have to use, but I just wanted to point out a sturdier alternative. Thieves can brake open anything, I know. Thats what I try to prevent while I am at work ;) A wooden storage allows you to place mounts, hooks or shelves where you want.

@b.samriey if you bought a metal storage for only €100,- you made a great purchase.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: b.samriey
Please dont look at the mess, but this is my own build storage.


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  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Toothpick en Sadiek
Respect to that Dutch Navy hat and to its owner.
Where did you got that U-shelf from (its home made or aftermarket?)
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Sander
I think a home made probably gonna be better especially with different replica's so you can adjust the U-Shape to the barrel which means less tipping of to the side, also Sande now you gotta tell which replica's you have ;)
From left to right.
The most left is a 4,5mm airgun from weihrauch ( not much airsoft:p)
Next is my tippmann m4 then ics L86a2, ics sig551 Swat, Tokyo Marui Scar H (isnt mine but temporaly storage ), well mb01.
On the top shelf is a Tokyo Marui desert eagle and a Tokyo Marui sig P226e2.
Oh and maybe there will be another in the near future but that is still a surprise ;)
Laatst bewerkt:
Had de brief hiervoor even bijgepakt. Idd wat Sander zei al stop je hem in een glazen kast met een slot als je er maar niet in 1x bij kan als er wat mag gebeuren
"Dit betekent dat het Airsoftapparaat direct aangewend kan worden voor dreiging of afdreiging" - Ik denk dat een stukje aan de rechterkant is weggevallen ! :p

On topic: AFAIK there is no requirements as to which materials the storage locker needs to be made of. It's not like RS where the storage locker has to be a safe with certain requirements, anchored in concrete and such.

For transporting, I use a PELI-like gun case containing the replicas and magazines (unloaded, mags not in replica) and the BBs go into a seperate backpack. I lock the gun case with a combination lock.
"Dit betekent dat het Airsoftapparaat direct aangewend kan worden voor dreiging of afdreiging" - Ik denk dat een stukje aan de rechterkant is weggevallen ! :p

On topic: AFAIK there is no requirements as to which materials the storage locker needs to be made of. It's not like RS where the storage locker has to be a safe with certain requirements, anchored in concrete and such.

For transporting, I use a PELI-like gun case containing the replicas and magazines (unloaded, mags not in replica) and the BBs go into a seperate backpack. I lock the gun case with a combination lock.
Ja, sorry het hoort "Dit betekent dat het Airsoftapparaat NIET direct aangewend kan worden voor dreiging of afdreiging" te zijn:p
I am sorry. I saw the picture, I recodnised the design, thought is was plastic like the one in my garden and wanted to warn about the nature of the plastic used for those storages. If you are a bit clusmy of rough with it pieces will brake and the use (a lockable storage) is gone. Or the complete door if you open it to far or something is stuck in between.

I know that the rules dont state anything about the material you have to use, but I just wanted to point out a sturdier alternative. Thieves can brake open anything, I know. Thats what I try to prevent while I am at work ;) A wooden storage allows you to place mounts, hooks or shelves where you want.

@b.samriey if you bought a metal storage for only €100,- you made a great purchase.
You're alright man.
It's piece of junk it's all plastic and toy plastic clearly just keep trick the customers through less details on the production (they didn't mention anything about the materials of this locker on their website) and when i did check it online i found it on other website made of metal.
Ik sla mijn replica's op in een oude (Russische?) legerkist. De kist was eigenlijk bedoeld om onder mijn bed te komen, maar doordat ik een ander bed kocht ging dat niet door en werd de kist verhuisd naar een opberghok. Eigenlijk moet ik hem nog een keer iets hoger maken zodat de replica's naast elkaar in een rekje kunnen hangen, dan is er ook meer ruimte voor andere rommel, maar dat moet nog even wachten.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: b.samriey en Foodie88