How do store your replica

Airsoft guns may not be transported with the mags in. Then they are ready to use and that is not allowed.
i have 2 hard cases to transport my airsoft guns. Mags and bb's are in my 60L woodland bag.
@Jorst : I haven't seen any rules about that. I do transport my replica and magazine in the same case, but there is no magazine in the replica and no BB's in my mid-caps. Only in my speedloader.
And I transport my batteries sepperatly. So with just the gun case the replica can never be functional.
I have my replica at the moment stored in a army transport bag wich is with a lock and inside are gun cases olso with locks, one with the replica and one with the magzines and on top of that they are in a locked room wich only i have a key.
Better safe then sorrow

But i like the ideas on a old ammo crate or something similar with a lock probaly cheap to get at a armydump shop.
But since iam still New i havent had they time to make it nice.
Replica dient op het adres opgeslagen te worden waar pashouder geregistreerd staat.
Dit betekent dus dat je in je eigen appartement een plek moet gaan zoeken/maken om de replica op te slaan.

Dit mag wel stey...die vriend is ok lid va de nabv...het maakt niet uit als hij ze heeft of een ander...replica's zijn niet geregistreerd met nummers aan de pashouder...Zolang degene waar ze liggen maar nabv lid is en het op de correcte wijze opslaat....

Ik mag lid zijn van de nabv zonder replica's thuis te hebben...dat maakt helemaal niks uit...what the heck, die mag de replica's thuis hebben als nabv lid, en jijzelf mag 6 x per jaar spelen ermee als intro... Zolang je dan maar ingeschreven word als.intro...
Dit mag wel stey...die vriend is ok lid va de nabv...het maakt niet uit als hij ze heeft of een ander...replica's zijn niet geregistreerd met nummers aan de pashouder...Zolang degene waar ze liggen maar nabv lid is en het op de correcte wijze opslaat....

Ik mag lid zijn van de nabv zonder replica's thuis te hebben...dat maakt helemaal niks uit...what the heck, die mag de replica's thuis hebben als nabv lid, en jijzelf mag 6 x per jaar spelen ermee als intro... Zolang je dan maar ingeschreven word als.intro...
Klopt. Ik mag als ik wil en jij. Mijn replicas gewoon in jouw huis opslaan. Zolang je maar lid bent van de nabv. En deugdelijke ruimtes hebt

Correct. I may if i want to (and you) store my replicas in your house as long as you are member of the nabv and have a decent space to store them.
Laatst bewerkt:

well, i stored them in this, build it myself,.
i invited the dutch police already. and they approved it :)
My mom was not so "amused" when i started playing airsoft 6 months ago.
and since she works at the dutch police control room she was scared that ,IF, something was not according to rules, something would happen to her job.

So to give her a good feeling I invited my hometownpolicesquad to check it out and see if it was okay (i already knew it was but a well) mom is statisfied now and i can play airsoft :)
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Jan en Valmijaan
I've got a locker like Sadiek. Would love to add a gun-rack in it, but I've got to many replica's. So I probably will need to go to another solution to store them ^_^



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nice Jan, my woodenreplicahome is 1 by 1 mtr, so not long enough for the sniper (it does fit in diagonaly) so a gun rack isnt an option for me...
Ok guys thank you very much to all your feedback and to everyone wrote his comment in English to make it easier to understand.
Now i placed order to this locker from (Allibert Space Winner opbergkast) and for those who're seeking storage you can check it here it will cost you include shipping € 99.90
Great topic I will follow this.
In next time think twice before posting your picture hea?
You see buddy your photo cost €100 :cool: lolz..
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: dedokterd
Ok guys thank you very much to all your feedback and to everyone wrote his comment in English to make it easier to understand.
Now i placed order to this locker from (Allibert Space Winner opbergkast) and for those who're seeking storage you can check it here it will cost you include shipping € 99.90

In next time think twice before posting your picture hea?
You see buddy your photo cost €100 :cool: lolz..
If I am not mistaking, that is a plastic storage. One hard kick or punch and the doors brake.
If I am not mistaking, that is a plastic storage. One hard kick or punch and the doors brake.
Did you read anything it says the materials is plastic? i did translate the page via good nothing about the building materials.
If I am not mistaking, that is a plastic storage. One hard kick or punch and the doors brake.
Rules state lockable. Not about being plastic, if im not mistaken as long as you cant "easily open" it
The previous wooden construction is in my eyes also easily to open by kicking it hard enough. A steel lock is also easily opened with a battery powered cutter... you can take this very far.

Decent plastic housing with a good lock is in my eyes enough because its out of sight and not openable without a key.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: b.samriey
Even a glass cabinet with lock is allowed, so why not an plastic container with lock
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: b.samriey
Did you read anything it says the materials is plastic? i did translate the page via good nothing about the building materials.
Alibert produces garage and balcony starages (well, they import them) with the brands alibert, jardin and Keter, and all are plastic.

It is not against the rules concerning the material, and you can lock it. But it has about the same weight as a big suitcase and the plastic has always been quite fragile and wobbly. I once tripped and fell through an alibert storage.

For the same price I would go for something like this:

A wooden, 2 door closet. Just add a lock and it is a lot sturdier.

But that is just my opinion.
Rules state lockable. Not about being plastic, if im not mistaken as long as you cant "easily open" it
The previous wooden construction is in my eyes also easily to open by kicking it hard enough. A steel lock is also easily opened with a battery powered cutter... you can take this very far.

Decent plastic housing with a good lock is in my eyes enough because its out of sight and not openable without a key.
Well said, because if thieves were capable of breaking the outer door and enter my house, any other lock will not stop them anyway..
Jorst i did check it out one other website it's all metal.
Alibert produces garage and balcony starages (well, they import them) with the brands alibert, jardin and Keter, and all are plastic.

It is not against the rules concerning the material, and you can lock it. But it has about the same weight as a big suitcase and the plastic has always been quite fragile and wobbly. I once tripped and fell through an alibert storage.

For the same price I would go for something like this:

A wooden, 2 door closet. Just add a lock and it is a lot sturdier.

But that is just my opinion.
But this is clothing locker and different design, and the one i bought just another.
Well said, because if thieves were capable of breaking the outer door and enter my house, any other lock will not stop them anyway..
Jorst i did check it out one other website it's all metal.

As i understand its not about wich matrial is used or if thieves can take it.

Rule said that you cant direclty use it to make a danger or avoid a danger at your house, corect me of im wrong.