Airsoft SWAT/Breach team


8 jun 2018
I am an american born from a long line of Germans.
And before you all yell at me for not speaking Dutch just know I like to broaden my horizons!
I'm wondering what gun our main should be.
Something compact but that can be tuned to the individual persons need.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Jan
HK makes a pretty nice MP7 if your wanting compact and can be customized to a point, but thats not a lot to go off of, whats your playing style
It depends on the playing style. For CQB with specific missions i prefer to use a MP-5 GBB. Nice kickback and with only 30 bb's per mag it is pretty realistic. Every shot has to count.
Ben ik de enige die het aantal aangemelde Engels sprekende personen (allemaal aangemeld na 1 juni) een beetje verdacht vind?

Brexit is een optie, veel britten, die het kunnen, verkassen nog even voordat het echt zover is.

Een andere reden zou ook gewoon het feit kunnen zijn dat het forum qua leden en content groeit, tel daarbij ook nog eens het veelvuldig gebruik van engelse woorden/termen en ik zou het dan totaal niet vreemd vinden als dit forum ook bij buitenlandse zoekopdrachten opduikt.
[QUOTE = "Oddball, post: 69254, member: 59"] Brexit is an option, a lot of British, who can do it, just before it really is that far.

Another reason could just be the fact that the forum grows in terms of members and content, while adding the frequent use of English words / terms and I would not find it strange if this forum also pops up in foreign searches. [/ QUOTE]
It popped up for me! Where we are it is popular to go to foreign forums
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Jan
an electric mp7 would be cool, unfortunately there aren't any good AEG mp7's rn. If you're looking for an mp7 that you want to get right now get the HK Mp7 made by KWA.
[QUOTE = "AlecBeach, post: 69122, member: 1735"] I am an American born from a long line of Germans.
And before you all yell at me speaking Dutch just know I like to broaden my horizons!
I'm wondering what gun our main should be.
Something compact but that can be tuned to the individual persons need.
Suggestions? [/ QUOTE]
MP38 is a cool gun a german like yourself can use