And the Darwin award goes to....

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Precies, de NABV moet hierin een goed standpunt nemen en niet de verantwoordelijkheid bij de politie leggen.
Als er dan een keer iemand wordt neergeschoten omdat die met een replica op straat staat te zwaaien krijgen zij daarvan weer de schuld. En het probleem had dan al kunnen worden aangepakt door de toegankelijkheid tot dit soort replica's ook een stuk moeilijker te maken.
Volledig eens met wat er hier gezegd wordt. Ik vind het wel raar dat ik in NL nergens replica's kan bestellen, ook niet online, zonder NABV, maar in andere landen wel. Daar zou europese regelgeving voor moeten komen. Dat brengt me ook bij mijn volgende punt: gebeuren dit soort incidenten dan niet ook (veel vaker) in andere landen? Hoe gaat men daar er mee om? Bv. in belgië mag iedere volwassene airsoft replica's kopen.....
Ik meen in de tv uitzending op ned1 gehoord te hebben dat er in Duitsland al iemand is neergeschoten die met een replica op straat liep te zwaaien
Ben benieuwd waar die halve waarheden staan. So please explain
Inhoudelijk correct. Bij nabv lidmaatschap wordt van je verwacht goed met je replicas om te gaan en niet over straat rondzwaaiend te gaan dreigen. Al dan niet voor de lol.
De mensen. Meestal kinderen hebben geen nabv en geen idee waar ze mee bezig zijn en dat moet dan maar uitgelegd worden aan ze.
Ik zelf herinner me nog toen ik klein was met een replica uzi op straat soldaatje aan het spelen was, en een agent in burger er mij op attendeerde dit niet meer te doen. Stom als je zo terug kijkt maar als je dit vandaag doet en niet weet wat de gevolgen kunnen zijn als er echte vuurwapens op je gericht staan je dit misschien niet meer na verteld..
Probable month a go or so, i witness incident in Uitgeest city where the Cops stop some young guys with toy revolver gun and confiscated from them at the end.The revolver gun wasn't airsoft at all, it was Chinese blown bang gun (exactly the same one in the picture below).
Now the question is: why the media attributed every single incident to the airsoft guns?
Second question: how these airsoft guns reached the hands of children/young guys?
Isn't the law prohibits anyone who doesn't have NABV ID card from owning replica weapon?
So where is the leak and who is responsible?
Why they involve airsoft community in every single problem and give us a slapped cake in the face?
Read this article: Nep vuurwapens? Speel niet met onze sport!
Probable month a go or so, i witness incident in Uitgeest city where the Cops stop some young guys with toy revolver gun and confiscated from them at the end.The revolver gun wasn't airsoft at all, it was Chinese blown bang gun (exactly the same one in the picture below).
Now the question is: why the media attributed every single incident to the airsoft guns?
Second question: how these airsoft guns reached the hands of children/young guys?
Isn't the law prohibits anyone who doesn't have NABV ID card from owning replica weapon?
So where is the leak and who is responsible?
Why they involve airsoft community in every single problem and give us a slapped cake in the face?
Read this article: Nep vuurwapens? Speel niet met onze sport!
I have read the article and it is all true what qtac said.
Kids get them from fairs now or they buy them in germany or another holiday location take them home and don't know what they are holding.
The people to blame are not the 12 year old kids but the parents and store owners who sell the plastic to them. The media does not know the difference between airsoft and bbgun so they just use airsoft and make us look bad.
But it is also possible to walk around with a real gun, seeing that you need the same standards in airsoft with nabv and knsb... but it still happens
Nabv owners wont go out on the streets with their hard earned replicas for them to be taken away. Someone with a wrongly aquired real steel would. To kill somone! We can't kill someone maybe shoot their eyes but that is not what we spend 1000s euros for.
They should change the law yes. But kids are going to be kids and they should focus on the parents and storeowners more
Want airsoft? Or replica? Or banger? Get nabv.
No nabv no replica of any sort, thats it!
I have read the article and it is all true what qtac said.
Kids get them from fairs now or they buy them in germany or another holiday location take them home and don't know what they are holding.
The people to blame are not the 12 year old kids but the parents and store owners who sell the plastic to them. The media does not know the difference between airsoft and bbgun so they just use airsoft and make us look bad.
But it is also possible to walk around with a real gun, seeing that you need the same standards in airsoft with nabv and knsb... but it still happens
Nabv owners wont go out on the streets with their hard earned replicas for them to be taken away. Someone with a wrongly aquired real steel would. To kill somone! We can't kill someone maybe shoot their eyes but that is not what we spend 1000s euros for.
They should change the law yes. But kids are going to be kids and they should focus on the parents and storeowners more
Want airsoft? Or replica? Or banger? Get nabv.
No nabv no replica of any sort, thats it!
If they really want to change the law then i suggest to set a big fine on parents for (allowing or turning a blind eye) on their children when they buy gun. because none of those parents haven't saw or knew his/she's children bought gun during the vacation so why the would allowed them to scare people outside the home!
I also love to see the Netherlands Cops open fire and gives some warning shot between legs to those fools (who miss use this toys) and let them run down hole such a rabbit to make them understand the police men are taking this issue seriously and no kidding, at that time we will witness no more such incidents.
If they really want to change the law then i suggest to set a big fine on parents for (allowing or turning a blind eye) on their children when they buy gun. because none of those parents haven't saw or knew his/she's children bought gun during the vacation so why the would allowed them to scare people outside the home!
I also love to see the Netherlands Cops open fire and gives some warning shot between legs to those fools (who miss use this toys) and let them run down hole such a rabbit to make them understand the police men are taking this issue seriously and no kidding, at that time we will witness no more such incidents.
Correct every parent know its not legal. There are some grey areas with the replicas that just bang like the one you showed.
The police have some promotional videos or info videos in wich they show you it can be deadly.
But if they open fire on a kid and hit him fatally or non fatally it is goin to be bad for both parties.
I still stand with what i said earlier. Want a replica get nabv maybe something else for under 18 but make it controllable. Or stick with nerf like items for the kids wich never look like real firearms
I have once KOd a kid (14 years old) for aiming a pistol at me.

Couldnt see real of fake when he came around the corner so I reacted. When his dad came by to teach me a lesson the police arrived (I had called them) and haulled him off and fined him for threatening a police officer. I didnt press charges for his threads since his kid had learnt a valuable lesson. DO NOT POINT YOUR BB GUN AT ME.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: BoomSmurf en Jan
Knocking a kid out might be a bridge too far, but I'd certainly disarm the kid... and yes; I'm afraid some serious injury would be part of the aftermath.
And threatening a police officer? Some people just don't get it that these people are there to protect and serve (yes, even in NL). I have the utmost respect for police officers who potentially risk their lives every day in order to keep our streets safe.
Ik zie liever airsoft in cat IV. Gewoon net als paintball markers voor 18+ vrij verkrijgbaar. Geen commerciële geld beluste NABV(Ja bla bla volgens sommige hebben ze airsoft mogelijk gemaakt maar ze hebben ook de cat IV weggehouden en huidige setup gemaakt).

Met oog op meldingen van nepwapens op straat denk ik dat in begin wat omhoog gaat maar erna gewoon weer zakt omdat het zo gewoon is zoals het ook in de buurlanden is.
Knocking a kid out might be a bridge too far, but I'd certainly disarm the kid... and yes; I'm afraid some serious injury would be part of the aftermath.
And threatening a police officer? Some people just don't get it that these people are there to protect and serve (yes, even in NL). I have the utmost respect for police officers who potentially risk their lives every day in order to keep our streets safe.

He came round the corner and aimed at my head. Was a split second, left hand in the pistol and right hand on the jaw. I didnt notice it was a BB untill I removed the mag.

I think the law should be the same as with air rifles, crossbows etc. 18+ and a maximum poweroutput and caliber.
What bothers me in whole this issue (after threaten people in toy weapon) perhaps in the future we will see a genius person in charge suggest orange tip law to the airsoft sport and this is (completely stupid idea and unacceptable by it self) because the orange tip threaten security personal lives more than the actual weapon aspect.
But this is just too early to talk about it right now.
Misschien ben ik heel pessimistisch, maar ik heb vanaf het begin af aan tegen mijzelf gezegd, wij mogen heeeeeeeel blij zijn dat deze sport met dit soort replica's in Nederland toegestaan is. Het is een kwestie van tijd tot er een beleid komt dat het allemaal de kop in drukt. Maar daar hoop ik natuurlijk absoluut niet op. Ik ben dan ook altijd FIER op de regels. De mensen die hier lak aan hebben moeten gewoon geen ontheffing krijgen. ( En dat begint al bij het TOCH in volledig uniform aankomen op een skirm locatie. ) Het is zo simpel..

End rant!
Één van de redenen wat mij tegenhoud hier ooit mijn werk van te maken @Strelok ! ALS ik ooit al iets wil doen professioneel gezien, dan voor één dag of twee, zeker niet fulltime. Tenzij ik gelijk een mooie buffer kan opbouwen voor als het ooit weer illegaal wordt ;)

@Jorst Quick reaction on that! :P Very nice gehehe! Ofcourse its not something we should applaud but I can see why you did it.