Het grote HPA topic

@Sander Mijn vader heeft een compressor voor tandheelkundige doeleinden, kun je de HPA bottles hier rechtstreeks op aansluiten?

Zo nee, welk koppelstuk zou je moeten aanschaffen voor zoiets? Kan zelf niets concreets vinden op internet..
Als die compressor 200 bar kan leveren dan zou het kunnen. Anders is het niet mogelijk. Welke koppel stukken je dan nodig hebt ligt aan de uitgang van de compressor.
Over het algemeen leveren tandarts-compressoren 8 bar... dat ga je dus niet halen... is een heel ander doeleinde :p
Hellotjes allemaal,

Ik overweeg een P* Jack in mijn G&G tr4 cqb-r te zetten. Alleen heft deze gun de functionaliteit om 'blowback' te geven. Ik neem aan dat deze dan ook niet meer werkt na het ombouwen? Ik hoop van niet althans, Heeft iemand hier ervaringen mee?
Nee de Blowback is dan wel weg. Aangezien je de complete gearbox leeg trekt en daar de jack in plant.
Hey guys! Newbie hier ... heb sinds een paar dagen mn Tippmann in huis (eerste mijn eerste airsoft apparaat).

Snelle tip: Bijvullen kan (wellicht tegen een kleine vergoeding) in sommige gevallen ook bij sportzaken waar ze off piste lawinerugzakken verkopen (BCA/ Mammut e.d.) en service aan verrichten - koppelstuk om de CO2 tankjes uit die rugzakken bij te vullen is dezelfde als wij nodig hebben voor onze HPA tanken, en daar hebben ze dan een duikfles staan.

Mogen we dit topic verder ook gebruiken voor vragen mbt afstellen van hop-up en ROF e.d? Want daar heb ik namelijk nog wel wat vragen over.
What is the best (hop up unit + bucking + barrel for DMR sniper rifle) work perfectly with HPA system, especially using PolarStar Jack?
V2 gearbox
flat hop or R-hop, Maple leaf, firefly and prometheus make a good flat hop, for R-hop there is only one patch maker aka Hunterseeker5(as far as I know). Barrel depends on how much you are willing to spent, Prometheus, PDI, Maple leaf or Madbull are good brands for tight bore or go for a orga or prometheus widebore. But actual HPA users may give you a more exact awnser.
@Rebelattack as you know I am planing to build DMR sniper..
So after all with good idea come through conversation with @DoriDoriAirsoft last night he advice me to try HPA system which is batter than upgrading a gearbox.
But during my research and before taking any action i come close to this video by BrainExploder youtube channel which he put the best different (hop op, bucking, barrel) in the gun but at the end it didn't work to him and back to install the stock one to let him shoots straight, for that I am afraid getting the top internals at the end will not work to me and back to the stock ones..!
Check out this part of the video to create good image
Start @5:25
You are comparing a total DIY project that is testing stuff that isn't normally used in that replica with upgrading a M4 hop up based rifle, that is really comparing apples to oranges. As I have little to no knowledge about HPA I am purely gonna give you a general description of what I think should be done, and that is either go for a flat hop or R-hop, get either a TBB or WBB depending on what the guys with actual HPA recommend and if necessary replace the hop up chamber with a respectable aftermarket one that is known to work well. That is about it, as you don't have to worry about compression in the GB all you need is a good seal around the bucking and use high weight bb's to have a better energy retention and joule creep (yes this is not a thing people like but it is just part of HPA almost no way around it).

But then again lets hear from actual HPA users what they got to say.
No i'm not comparing but explaining to you how my desire DMR will face some challenge if i got to choose this or that system.
However now i need to know these things :
-Where can i find the lower price of HPA system and PolarStar Jack here in the Netherlands or in Europe.
-Which one will fit a sniper project?
-How do i reload my HPA system again and how much does it cost per charge?
Off topic:
Anyone know where i can find PDI 6.01mm Precision Barrel / 520mm
with good price please?
You can fill your 48ci bottles from a 12L or higher scuba tank.
You need a filling station with an appropriate connector (DIN or INT) to do so.

Off topic: try www.x-fire.org
b.samriey;23003 zei:
No i'm not comparing but explaining to you how my desire DMR will face some challenge if i got to choose this or that system.
However now i need to know these things :
-Where can i find the lower price of HPA system and PolarStar Jack here in the Netherlands or in Europe.
-Which one will fit a sniper project?
-How do i reload my HPA system again and how much does it cost per charge?
Off topic:
Anyone know where i can find PDI 6.01mm Precision Barrel / 520mm
with good price please?

Yeah but the problems BE has you will not run in to as it comparing a DIY system where he has to test everything himself with a system that has been used so many times that the most optimal parts are already well known.

- no good awnser
- All HPA drop in systems should work fine.
- You can reload at some fields for free like B&A, or buy an air tank yourself or fill your tanks at a filling station mostly found at diving stores.

I got my PDI barrel from the manufacturer directly, they ship quite fast and it arrived at me in 2 weeks from Japan, yes I had to pay clearance charges but in the end it was the same or less then buying it on a website in the Netherlands.
@Sander thank you for helpful response mate!

@Rebelattack each time you give me interesting comment and make me more eager to learn more from you..
Regarding to the upgrade or modification i mentioned above (there is nothing impossible anymore) there is a websites can modify your airsoft gun the way you want juts tell them what is your dream and they will realize it to you in 3 -5 working days just everything that come in your mind so if they can do it then i can do it also to save some money..
However i will provide like below help those who are seeking how to build HPA SR25 or DMR sniper in the best and cheapest way.
The same project available on that website and they are ready to do more modification just the way you want (just give them phone call or email them).
Now i am thinking with myself to order my HPA SR25 from that website at lest for two reason: One i will get 1 year warranty, Second the price lower than what i found here in local market.
I will give them phone call tomorrow morning and ask them what is the best precision barrel they have to check it out and place my order later.
" or fill your tanks at a filling station mostly found at diving stores."

That is not true by the way.
If an dive centre is willing to fill your paintball tank ( and almost none does that) you need to bring your own filling station. And then they will fill it same as you would with a scuba tank.
Sander;23008 zei:
you need to bring your own filling station. And then they will fill it same as you would with a scuba tank.
That's not good to my situation as you know it, well Sander is it possible to fill it at any airsoft field, if does how much it cost?
Yes it is possible to fill it at airsoft fields. I believe that rsl has a compressor also b&a has a compressor. All the fields where there are also paintballers have a compressor. Filling is mostly for free if you play at their field. I dont know if it is free when you just come for a fill and dont play there.
Sander;23008 zei:
" or fill your tanks at a filling station mostly found at diving stores."

That is not true by the way.
If an dive centre is willing to fill your paintball tank ( and almost none does that) you need to bring your own filling station. And then they will fill it same as you would with a scuba tank.

Sorry I said that wrong, you indeed need a filling station, but I also didn't know they mostly don't wanna do that. Don't own HPA (yet) so I didn't really want to go in this discussion any further. Anyway I am gonna leave it to others to awnser any further questions.

BTW that company is USA based, so on top of the 800-900 euro's you gonna pay for the replica itself, you also need to play for shipping and clearance charges and there is no way in hell that this stuff is not cheaper to buy in the Netherlands and build in yourself then ordering it there. But that is your choice.
Sander;23008 zei:
" or fill your tanks at a filling station mostly found at diving stores."

That is not true by the way.
If an dive centre is willing to fill your paintball tank ( and almost none does that) you need to bring your own filling station. And then they will fill it same as you would with a scuba tank.

Why wouldn't dive stores want to help you out and fill up your tank? Sounds odd, it's quick and easy for them and they make some money on top of it?