Airsoft Apperaten of toch replica of wapen, welke is het nou?

welke term past het beste bij Airsoft?

  • Airsoft Apparaat

    Stemmen: 7 26,9%
  • Airsoft Wapen

    Stemmen: 4 15,4%
  • Airsoft Replica

    Stemmen: 13 50,0%
  • Anders

    Stemmen: 2 7,7%

  • Totaal aantal stemmers
  • Opiniepeiling gesloten .
Samriey, important to note is (as you are doing here) weapon/wapen does not equal gun/geweer and if that second terminology is acceptable is actually a different discussion :)
Well as you can read buddy i'm saying not wise or logic to call it weapon since it's not weapon and just airsoft gun no more no less while the government website listed under weapon-ammunition category and i provided the link already.
So why this discussion tool range more than it's worth i really don't no...
It's very simple very clear:
Call it airsoft gun (no violation).
Airsoft replica (no violation).
Airsoft device (still unidentified but no violation).
Some one want to call it airsoft weapon (no violation in the Netherlands law) but not wise to do so.
That is the whole the story.
Grips and belts are real-steel accessoires too, right?
Couldn't find anything belong to the real steel parts on that category except airsoft parts but still they name it gun accessories?

Dunno, thought they were external accesoires, but okey then it is just dum that they do it, although some shops just do airsoft at the side and they are mostly the ones not taking it seriously.

PS: Ben ik de enige die opmerkt dat apparaten in de titel is verkeerd geschreven?
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Stey
One simple question guys and i hope you will not get me wrong in this one.
Since the freedom and the law of the Netherlands (which is essentially of this world and many other countries envy of) allowed to call the airsoft gun as (air soft gun) why would surround yourself in restrictions are not exist?
Making airsoft gun website or shop required a lot representations, warranties buy the merchant and strict control by the government, so now you wanna tell me that the government doesn't allowed this merchant from using this name (gun accessories or airsoft gun) and he use it by himself and he still working normally with no punishment..??
Honestly i have all respect to all of you guys but law is law this is allowed by the government of the Netherlands and very clear to see this name on many Dutch airsoft website so think twice before making law by yourself and call that one is dum or whatever because he use this name or that name.
The freedom you enjoy it has been achieved by giving lives and blood so don't restrict yourself on your own.
No stress no offence i write my words with all respect and love to all of you.
Enjoy your freedom and lest stop this argument based on no evidence while i provide unique and soled proof.
Relax and take it easy.
The "restriction" of not calling it a gun comes from the fact that our country is and always has been very afraid with anything that could be used for offensive measures. Police-batons are illegal possession of weapons, yet our police walks around with them as standard personal defense. Mace / Pepperspray is illegal possession of weapons as well, while it would be a great defensive measure for women that are being assaulted.

So, better calling something that it is in basic function (apparatus, replica of real firearm) than to call it something that it could be used as (gun, weapon).

My two cents about the why and what:D
Laatst bewerkt:
The "restriction" of not calling it a gun comes from the fact that our country is and always has been very afraid with anything that could be used for offensive measures. Police-batons are illegal possession of weapons, yet our police walks around with them as standard personal defense. Mace / Pepperspray is illegal possession of weapons as well, while it would be a great defensive measure for women that are being assaulted.

So, better calling something that is is in basic function (apparatus, replica of real firearm) than to call it something that it could be used as (gun, weapon).

My two cents about the why and what:D
Stey if you mean that then I am completely agree with you in this point with no debate.
I don't play paintball now but when people ask me what do you like or what sport are you doing i usually said playing paintball just to make it more softer to them and then take the discussion to the next steps and talk about the airsoft.
Probably you may know several months ago i were in such impasse at field when the field owner warning me from bring my airsoft grenade launcher the m203 to the game and he said (if the police come to the field and saw your grenade launcher they will put you in jail at lest 1 year and half) the other guy said that if they didn't shoot him already!
Now look at this..
They blow up my mind in this speech, but when i come back here and asked Sander he provide me with link it says that you are allowed to own grenade launcher and carry it for appearance only (but the shells are not allowed) now see the difference between the law and the speak!
And when i forward the link to the field owner (he said oh sorry i didn't know that) you didn't know that sir?
So the 1 year and half prison sentence bring it from where??
Therefore if this discussion was about how to be gentle with the society and what is the correct word or term should be use in case not to scare them then i prefer to say (toys) not even airsoft replica or device, but on airsoft forum or airsoft community you're free to call it airsoft gun airsoft replica..etc
Because there is no law prevent from what are you saying since you're in airsoft world.
And that's exactly what I've stated before @b.samriey ;

You can call it a gun or weapon where-ever you are, but there is a slight (heavy) preference on the forum to use "replica" or "apparatus" or anything other than weapon or gun. You're not disobeying the law but simply the unwritten rules of Dutch Airsofters and the forum.

As for the noobtube, that's still a grey area at our border, however you are allowed to have it on your replica in the field yet you are not allowed to posses the shells required to fire them. You're walking around with something that's a 1-on-1 replica of a real firearm... the grenade launcher that's attached won't make the difference of them shooting you.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Pietjepuk123 en Foodie88
You can call it a gun or weapon where-ever you are, but there is a slight (heavy) preference on the forum to use "replica" or "apparatus" or anything other than weapon or gun. You're not disobeying the law but simply the unwritten rules of Dutch Airsofters and the forum.

That captures the essence of this case. Thanks @Stey.

Offtopic: I like the look of the 'noobtube' (I love that word, brings me back to CoD4!). However, I wouldn't buy one if I wasn't allowed to use the shells.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Stey
Well i really don't want to make this discussion wider than it's worth but just want to point out this several things.
-Many people on Dutch airsoft forums using this term: airsoft gun instead of replica not to mention how many website.
-Many people create law by themselves while it's not exist and you got good example up here or out here .
-Healthy discussion lead us to better understand things that might be hied on our knowledge, so better than some people make themselves know everything while they're not learn and listen till the fact pop-up.
-Regarding to the grenade launcher we already had good discussion about it and everything became clear but i addressed this issue as good example for people who make laws by themselves while it's not exist.
-Back to my previous comments i provide good official sources to what i'm saying but regrettably some people insisted to be on the opposite side based their opinion on no resources and make no sense..!
So this storm raised by what and why since all opinions are agreed from the beginning?
Expat the black duck is different here.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: BoomSmurf
Nahh this isn't a storm mate... this is a light breeze, slightly warm like a nice summer wind.

We're fine to discuss matters like this, as long as noone is going to call names. We're adults, we should act as such, and this topic is a perfect example of a normal conversation/discussion (discussion? I think we all agree on the same thing... hah!) so we're all good!
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Pietjepuk123
@b.samriey We don't dispute whether the law allows you to use this terminology but it is an 'unwritten law' on this forum to avoid using the word weapon/gun and instead use 'replica' or 'apparaat', as Sander indicated. Whether the law prohibits it or not, doesn't matter. The forum doesn't allow it and that's that. People that do not like this rule, can go find another forum, but I for one know that the 'other large forum' also prohibits this and even enforces it more strongly than here. Posts are consequently edited by moderators over there. The reasoning behind this has been made clear enough, I think.
Tell you what guys i got some cold beers and some burger so let's start this barbecue one more time lol.
Stey wait i will get back to you.
Foodie88 how on earth i know something that never mentioned on (Terms of Service and Rules) of this forum?
Second thing since our sport completely war simulation so how can i separate the military terminology of my language?
So in the future what i should to say if i knife someone in game play?
Or what i should call the suppressor and silencer?
How can i replace the term of (shot)?
And just hundreds of other terms you find yourself use it without you mean it, something that we should realize and deal with it (it's war simulation) it's fact we accept it or reject it. Everything in this sport related to the warfare terminologies.
Switching airsoft gun (term) to airsoft replica make any sense opposite saying (shooting or knife, snipe..etc).
Perhaps Sander said that in Dutch language and honestly i didn't note it but if dose then we have enough cold beers and burger to him and Jan and let see what we got here.
Stey Heineken or Amstel?
Laatst bewerkt:
Samriey my friend I rest my case, I don't want to blow this up any further or repeat myself indefinitely. I do want to remark that there's no clear stickied topics with forum rules so it would be good to arrange that - but I did call it an 'unwritten rule' so that is not an oversight.

Maybe @Jan and/or @Sander can provide us with their official views.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: b.samriey
@b.samriey : I don't drink alcohol, so neither :p

@Foodie88 : Indeed! Let's get the admins/mods to make something "official" regarding naming things. This might remove doubts of newly joined Airsofters on this forum as well.

@Jan - @Sander : We need backup! :D:p
Oké here is my statement as before in english this time.

At our forum it is an unwritten rule that we dont call a replica a "gun/weapon" or in dutch "wapen"
Altough its not against the dutch law to call it this way.
We Just dont prefer this type of words.
At our forum we call it "replica or AA"

If by mistake you call it "gun/weapon" we will not execute you. But we will ask you to change it to replica.
@Sander is it possible to change this unwritten rule into a written rule for new people to see as well?
Could be possible indeed.
Only thing is that we dont have a real rule set for the forum.

We dont want to be police officers and just want that People use their common sence.

Rule set would be something like this: Just be a gentleman and adult. No bashing and dont call your replica a gun. :D

But on a serious note. This forum exists about 3 years now and we never had rules. Only some unwritten rules, and it has never been a problem. If someone isnt aware of it we Just tell him what is or isnt allowed ;)
Ok Sander but for notes: the undesirable terms must be listed to the user in case people know what's possible what's not.
We are all gentle and adults and none of use would be bashing the others and even so (I am that one who keep calm and carry on).
However, many time i mentioned in my comments on different topic (airsoft gun) but never alerted before.!
So to keep this forum wonderful as always i prefer to wish all of you good luck and all the best like this first meeting, just in case not to missed the point in the future like today even when i'm stick with law and on the right said.
Keep cool everyone and take good care!
Hmmm i used the search function on airsoft gun and you are right.
I think it slipped trough because it was in english.
To be hounest i dont think it sounds that negative in english. But in the dutch language it sounds negative to use terms as " gun / wapen" in a dutch sentence.

For exemple: in dutch.
Ik heb een nieuw wapen gekocht. Of ik heb een nieuwe gun gekocht.

Sounds much worse then in english.
I bought a New airsoft gun.

But to keep one line in rule (unwritten) it is not allowed anymore ;)